Part 1 recap - what the current DOS machine can do

What we achieved so far

Up to now we have bootstrapped a virtual machine with a DOS version (in this example MS-DOS 5). Then we added support for mouse, CD/DVD and we made the machine CPU friendly. But there is more under the hood. Remember, to see what is going on, we commented out the DOSshell start command in our autoexec.bat.

Let's put that back in and then check what happens.

As can be seen in the small video, the following steps are performed
  • edit autoexec.bat - re-enable DOSshell
  • reboot the virtual machine
  • inside DOSshell click through to QBasic
  • navigate through the QBasic menus
  • return to DOSshell
  • open a command window from within DOSshell
  • return to the DOSshell via exit
So we can even do some programming already using QBasic.


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